History of the company

History of the company


Establishing the company operating under the name Descamps Saige which specialises in repairing and servicing textile machinery.


Purchasing the Schmitt Company and establishing the Descamps Saige Company which deals with air treatment.


Establishing Matériel Aéraulique Diffusion (M.A.D.) Company which specialises in production of heating and air-conditioning cables as well as steel parts for the railway industry.


Purchasing the Pluquet Company which offers metallurgical products and metal-works.


Establishing GP Industry Polska – branch of M.A.D.

The company strengthened its position on the European market and established the GP Industry Polska Company in Poland. The company is situated in the industrial region, not far from Katowice and covers the area of a hectare. The company has at its disposal a hall of 2200 m2 surface along with a production line.

Contact details

GP Industry Polska Sp z o.o.
ul. Długa 1C
32-300 Olkusz

Tel. +48 666 014 310